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Pandemic Begins: Pro Gallery


In Canada, the flu arrived in the main ports of Quebec City, Montreal, and Halifax, where the troops were arriving home, and then made its way westward across the country, affecting small and large cities (Parks Canada Agency, 2020).  

With no vaccine or treatment, the virus had a devastating impact on Canadians, killing more than 55, 000 people across Canada, most of which were between the ages of 20 and 40 (Parks Canada Agency, 2020). In just a week, it was discovered that 700 people in Canada had died due to the pandemic, which they were now calling “the plague” (Rosano, 2018).

This was only the first wave though, the virus was always one step ahead of the body’s immune system, which caused more waves to come. By October, the pandemic was in full swing, with Montreal recording over 20, 000 cases and Cape Town recording 140 burials in a single day (Rosano, 2018). This in itself differentiated the virus from other diseases, as it swept through Canada and the rest of the world like no other, causing mass deaths and staying one step ahead of everyone's immune system.

“Flu viruses are magicians. They are constantly reshaping themselves, figuring out fiendish new ways to spread, always one step ahead of the body’s immune system" (Rosano, 2018).

 As Canada struggled to respond, they were building anti-bodies for immunity and coming up with new ways to stop the spread and keep the country safe.

Pandemic Begins: Text
Pandemic Begins: Portfolio

Spanish Flu in Canada (1918-1920)

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