Science and What caused it
The Spanish flu was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. In an influenza virus, the neuraminidase gene is responsible for coding the virus’ NA surface proteins. An influenza virus’s NA surface proteins allow an influenza virus to escape an infected cell and infect other cells. Therefore, it plays an important role in spreading influenza infection. The author noted that NA is also targeted by the immune system and that antibodies against NA do not prevent infection, but they do significantly limit the ability of the virus to spread.
< A colorized image of the 1918 virus taken by a transmission electron microscope (TEM).
Influenza was caused by a virus that was spread from person to person through respiratory secretions in the air. When a new strain of influenza virus appears from which the population has no immunity, an epidemic occurs. The influenza pandemic of 1918–19 was the result of such an outbreak, and it afflicted people all over the world.
Historians believe that soldiers from World War 1 were the biggest reason this virus spread throughout the world and caused mayhem

Initial symptoms included sore head and tiredness, followed by a dry, hacking cough, loss of appetite, stomach problems. Excessive sweating would follow in the following days. Respiratory problems could develop pneumonia which was the main cause of deaths.